Part of Trailcology's mission is to support and foster trail users and as part of that, I plan on holding events for all trail users. These events are meant to foster trail user skills, develop relationships with their fellow users, provide educational opportunities, and engage users in Trailcology events. These events may range from scavenger hunts all the way up to full-on races. Trailcology will use these events as fundraisers and opportunities to connect with potential volunteers for projects. The IMBA race promoter session was focused on creating well organized and supported events that promote trail advocacy for the good of the trails and trail users.
In attendance were professional racers, race promoters, organization staff, land managers, and individuals (like myself) who are here to learn from the vast amount of experience that is available from these individuals. The purpose of this meeting, from IMBA's perspective, was to create a manual of Best Practices for race promoters to put on the best events that they possibly can while engaging the community and promoting trail advocacy. Even though this session (and conference) were focused on mountain biking, the information and experience that was bright to the table was absolutely phenomenal. For example, the Lifetime Fitness crew, who puts on the Leadville 100 series, was in attendance and they put on all kinds of events!
I'm excited to review the manual of best practices when it is made available to the attendees because it will be full of great information that will only enhance all of the ideas that I already have for great events! Speaking of which, you might be wondering what kind of events I'm talking about, right? Well... Ok, here's a sample of my ideas: themed trail run scavenger hunts, educational family hiking events, community short-track bike races held at the Holiday Twin drive-in (currently in development), and social equestrian events. I have many more ideas too, but I don't want to give away the farm already!
Stay tuned for updates about Trailcology events during 2013!